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The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected many aspects of life, including the global economy. So many key industries are affected, including the giant bail bond industry. Many individuals and families rely on the bail bond industry to avoid lengthy detentions before convictions. Since the pandemic hit the world, some companies have been forced to lay off their key employees due to financial constraints.
However, these are not the only changes that have been felt in the industry, especially in Santa Ana. So much has changed within the industry that everyone should be aware of, especially defendants or families seeking to post bail. Learning about the new COVID-19 bail procedures Santa Ana has in place can be invaluable after your loved one’s arrest. A reliable bail bondsman can provide all the information you need for easier decision-making.
Prison Settings and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Since the spread of COVID-19 is more rampant in closed spaces, like jails and prisons, a lot of changes are needed to reduce this risk. Sadly, law enforcement officers still make so many arrests every day. Local courts cannot keep up with these numbers by hearing and determining cases as the arrests are made. This necessitates detention as a defendant awaits trial. With COVID-19 with us, this puts so many people at risk of the virus, including the inmates and those who work with them. Remember that local jails and prisons are usually enclosed spaces.
When the number of arrestees is large, they are put together in those enclosed spaces. The detention facilities are not large enough to accommodate every defendant and allow them to maintain a social distance to protect themselves from the virus. The situation worsens every day as the police make more arrests. Only a few defendants who can post bail after an arrest are freed pending the determination of their case. Since the pandemic has also affected the economy, it has become increasingly challenging for most defendants to make bail. This leaves almost everyone in the already-congested detention facilities, increasing their risk of the virus.
The criminal justice system has considered minimal sentences for minor offenses to remedy the situation. If all minor offenders are sentenced to probation, the burden on the congested detention facilities and the available resources could be eased. However, this has not worked out as effectively as it was deemed. Jails and prisons are still overcrowded and still receiving new inmates every other time.
Remember that crowded places are not usually very hygienic. Implementing COVID-19 prevention strategies in jails and prisons is difficult because supplies like sanitizers and soaps are inadequate. This makes these areas very dangerous as far as the spread of the virus is concerned, not just for inmates but also for the staff.
New COVID-19 Bail Procedures Santa Ana Has In Place
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitates several changes in the bail bond industry, just like in all the other industries. Several bail bond companies were left struggling financially, unable to help defendants and families that needed their help. Laying off some of their employees was only one of the many changes bail bond companies were forced to make after the pandemic. Lockdown restrictions did not help much because many people were forced to work from home. This was difficult, especially for essential service providers.
Santa Ana, one of the places with a large population that needs bail bond services, has not been left behind. The number of people who can access bail bonds has significantly reduced due to the financial issues brought about by the pandemic. This has necessitated critical changes in the bail bond industry and the criminal justice system. Some argue that jails and courts must release minor offenders, particularly those charged with petty offenses and those not dangerous to themselves or others. This will reduce the need for bail before trial.
However, this could be the beginning of another issue, mainly because the freed defendants failed to appear. Remember that the essence of bail guarantees a defendant’s court appearances. It compels a defendant to attend the trial and subsequent hearings to avoid losing a significant amount of the valuable property they used as a bond. Without this guarantee, the courts lose an upper hand in these cases.
If a defendant fails to appear after a pretrial release, a judge will issue a warrant for their rearrest, which the police will act on immediately. The re-arrested defendant will need substantial bail to obtain a pretrial release. This means they will require the assistance of a bail bond company. Other defendants not qualifying for an own-recognizance release will also need bail. Even with the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the economy and individual finances, bail bond services are still needed in Santa Ana. However, note the changes in COVID-19 bail procedures Santa Ana adopted to avoid difficulties when posting bail or bail for a loved one.
Although bail procedures have significantly changed after the pandemic, bail bondsmen are still operating. You can find a reliable bail bond company after your arrest in Santa Ana. This will help you avoid an extended stay in jail, especially under these challenging conditions. A trustworthy bail bondsman will quickly process your bail to ensure you are released almost immediately after the arrest.
Find a Reliable Bail Bondsman Near Me
The new COVID-19 bail procedures Santa Ana has affected some bail processes. It helps to familiarize yourself with these changes to avoid the challenges of posting bail after your arrest. Although minor offenders can be eligible for a pretrial release on their recognizance, the judge can set your bail depending on your criminal history or community ties. Fortunately, bail bond companies make posing bail easy. They can help regardless of your financial situation or criminal history.
At Future Bail Bonds, we understand how critical bail is, especially after an arrest. You do not need to be behind bars before a court judges your case. We have affordable, reliable, and timely bail bonds for all defendants in Santa Ana. Call us at 714-515-5154 to learn more about our bail bonds.