Some of the most complex cases within the judicial system are sex crimes. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to find an experienced bail bondsman to help get you out of jail right away so you can fight for yourself and make your case from the outside.

There is a range of sex crimes that you can use a bail bond service for from prostitution to sexual assault. Future Bail Bonds can help if you or someone you know has been arrested for a sex crime and is looking to use bail bonds for sex crime charges.  

Types of Sex Crimes

The first order of business is to learn more about the different types of sex crimes and what may qualify. Below is a list where you can learn more about each in greater detail:

Sexual Battery: This doesn’t involve penetration so it is different from rape. It’s classified as a felony and involves unwanted touching against someone’s will.

Rape: This is classified as non-consensual and a sex act committed using physical force. It occurs when the victim is under distress or the threat of violence.  

Sexual Imposition: It’s when someone engages in sexual contact with another person against their will.

Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor: When a person who is 18 years old or older engages in sexual acts with someone who is under 16 but older than the age of 13.  

Gross Sexual Imposition: When the offender forces another person to have sexual contact against their will with a third party. There’s usually force or drugs and alcohol involved. It may also occur when someone whose mental capacity doesn’t allow them to give consent for the activity.

Bali Amount for Rape or Sexual Battery

When it comes to how much bail is for rape or sexual battery, the judge will determine the bail amount based on several factors. These include the circumstances around the crime, the offense, and the person’s accused history. Also, they’ll weigh if the accused is a flight risk or not.

How Does the Bail Process Work?

Once arrested, the suspect will be taken to a police station where they will be required to give their fingerprints, personal property, and mug shots. If it’s not a serious crime then the person may be able to post bail and return home. However, if it’s a more serious crime then the accused may need to stay in jail until the bail hearing is scheduled.

Are there Bail Hearings for Sex Crimes?

Another question to address when it comes to bail bonds for sex crime charges is if there are bail hearings for sex crimes. When accused of a sex crime, it’s possible you’ll need to sit in jail while you wait for your bail hearing. The judge will then determine if you’re eligible for bail at the hearing. If you are eligible then this is when the judge will set the bail amount. If you have the money and cash to do so then you can choose to pay the full amount then and there. There are some courts that will also accept credit cards or checks.

What if I Can’t Pay My Bail?

In the instance when you can’t pay your bail, then it’s advised that you or your loved one call a bail bondsman. The bail bondsman company will pay the full amount and get you out of jail if you pay a small percentage of your bail which is usually 10% of your bail. This is an affordable way to ensure you are released from jail in a timely manner.

The Reason Bail Bonds are Set

The reason bail bonds are set is to confirm the defendant shows up to further court hearings after the release from jail. This is why the bail amount is typically set high enough yet is attainable, so that it’s taken seriously. It’s especially practical with the assistance of a bail bond company such as Future Bail Bonds.

Conditions of Bail in A Rape Case

As far as rape cases and domestic violence cases go, there will also likely be a condition that the defendant isn’t allowed to get in touch or contact the person who is accusing them of the crime. If there’s no bail involved then an innocent person may sit in jail for a long while without being able to explain their side of the story. Why be in jail worrying and waiting for months when you can be at home and starting to formulate your case?

Next Steps

If you or a loved one has been arrested and accused of a sex crime then contact the bail bond experts at Future Bail Bonds today to get a quote. Our professional and qualified team will help get you back on the outside so you can return to what matters the most. 

If someone you know has just been arrested then we can help. The first step when dealing with the criminal justice system is to gather the information you need to make the best decisions going forward. We’re here to assist you in navigating the bail bond process and bail bonds for sex crime charges with comfort and ease. Give us a call today so we can help you or a loved one reclaim your life. We’ll also guide you in creating a payment plan that’s right for you and your situation.


The short answer is, yes, there are bail bonds for sex crime charges and ones you can use to get yourself or a loved one out of jail quickly. Why wait around sitting in jail wondering what will happen next when you can get out and begin to defend yourself now? Sex crimes are complex types of cases and it makes sense that you don’t want to navigate the situation on your own or without expert guidance. This is where a bail bondsman can be helpful and ensure that you feel comfortable with taking the necessary next steps and are fully informed about the bail bond process from start to finish.