BY Jesse Black |

When you or your loved one arrives in jail, you’ll be given a bail hearing. This is when a judge will determine how much money you’ll need to pay in order to get out of jail while awaiting your trial. Depending on the severity of the crime or if you’re a repeat offender, your bail price may be higher than what you’re comfortable feeling, which might make you think it would be easier to stay in jail until your trial date.

Unfortunately, this can be extremely harmful to you or your loved one. In this article, we’ll cover the different dangers of awaiting trial in jail and why you should prioritize paying bail as soon as you can.

Delays Your Case

Jail is not meant to be a place where you sit and do nothing until your next court date. The longer you wait, the more likely it is for vital evidence or witnesses’ memories to fade away. It also makes it harder for your lawyer to create a strong case and defense on your behalf. If you’re in jail, you’ll have to work around jail visiting hours and hope that the phones are free to connect with others about your case.

Separation From Your Family And Friends

If you’re fortunate enough to have people who care about you waiting on the other side, they want what’s best for both your well-being and future freedom. Unfortunately, jail makes it difficult for them to visit as often as possible, if at all due to time constraints and distance restrictions based on which facility, you’ll be staying in. In addition, the phone service adds another cost for them to bear, as well as the emotional stress of hearing about your current situation.

Could Say The Wrong Thing

Spending more time behind bars could cause you to say the wrong thing when you’re around officers or security guards. Due to the pressure of being confined in jail, you might be more likely to confess to a crime that didn’t even occur. This could lead not only to wrongful imprisonment but also a conviction for real crimes when it’s discovered that you were coerced into self-incrimination.

Might Not Be Able To Get Medical Attention/Treatment

Depending on how severe your medical condition is, spending time in jail without proper treatment can make things worse. If this gets bad enough or if no one else will help with financial expenses (or they don’t have insurance), then family members may need to get involved and cover these costs themselves. In addition, depending on your health conditions or injuries, you may not get the medication you need. This could cause life-threatening issues if something isn’t done about it soon enough.

Employment Loss

If you’re the primary income provider for your family or household, then not having anyone else to work while you spend time in jail will cause even more issues. Not only will this affect your own life but also those around you who depend on you financially. You may find yourself unable to keep your job or unable to get another one once you’re released. This will just cause more stress on your family, which can result in even worse consequences than sitting in jail.

Creates A Poor Defense

When you’re unable to speak to your lawyer about what’s going on, or you’re not able to get out of jail, it will become increasingly difficult for them to build a strong defense case. You may even forget important details that could be vital in determining whether or not you committed the crime(s) for which you’ve been arrested.

Hard To Prove You’re A Good Citizen

When you’re on bail and living your everyday life, including going to work, school, or other essential events in your life, it will show good moral character and that you’re a responsible member of society. But, when you’re sitting behind bars, it’s going to be hard for people to believe that because they can’t see everything you do on a daily basis.

Is It Dangerous To Wait In Jail For Your Trial?

Yes! When you’re stuck in jail awaiting your trial, it can lead to many issues that can affect your life and the lives of those around you in negative ways, which is why it’s best to find a way out of jail. Fortunately, there are many options to help make this easier on everyone involved so you can spend your free time ensuring that you won’t end up back there!

How Can I Afford Bail?

If you’re in a situation where you can’t afford your bail, you’re not alone. Many people are unable to afford bail or would be put in a very poor financial position by paying in cash. In these cases, you might not feel like you have any other questions. In those cases, you may try to reach out to a family member to see if they’ll pay on your behalf or attempt to use your assets such as property, stocks, and bonds in order to secure your release.

If you don’t want to use these types of assets or want an easier way to get out of jail, you’ll want to use a bail bond company instead. A bail bond company is a business that specializes in helping people get out of jail when they can’t afford to do so themselves. They’ll pay the required bail amount, and you only have to put a percentage down to make it happen.

Get Out Of Jail Quickly With Future Bail Bonds Today

Call the experts at Future Bail Bonds today if you or a loved one is in jail and want to be out as soon as possible. With years of experience, we have helped countless people get back home to their families when they didn’t know what else to do about it! We can help with any bail-related questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to call us now for more information!